
2/4/2021. “Effect of Physical Training on Exercise-Induced Inflammation and Performance in Mice.” Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Acute exercise increases the amount of circulating inflammatory cells and cytokines tomaintain physiological homeostasis. However, it remains unclear how physical trainingregulates exercise-induced inflammation and performance. Here, we demonstratethat acute high intensity exercise promotes an inflammatory profile characterized byincreased blood IL-6 levels, neutrophil migratory capacity, and leukocyte recruitment toskeletal muscle vessels. Moreover, we found that physical training amplified leukocyte–endothelial cell interaction induced by acute exercise in skeletal muscle vessels anddiminished exercise-induced inflammation in skeletal muscle tissue. Furthermore, weverified that disruption of the gp-91 subunit of NADPH-oxidase inhibited exercise-induced leukocyte recruitment on skeletal muscle after training with enhanced exercisetime until fatigue. In conclusion, the training was related to physical improvement andimmune adaptations. Moreover, reactive oxygen species (ROS) could be related tomechanisms to limit aerobic performance and its absence decreases the inflammatoryresponse elicited by exercise after training.

1/16/2021. “Aerobic Training Modulates the Increase in Plasma Concentrations of Cytokines in response to a Session of Exercise”. Publisher's Version
9/16/2020. “The Impact of Measures Recommended by the Government to Limit the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Physical Activity Levels, Quality of Life, and Mental Health of Brazilians”. Publisher's Version
Lucas Soares Marcucci-Barbosa, Francisco Martins-Junior, Lázaro Fernandes Lobo, Mariana Gomes Morais, Janaina Matos Moreira, Erica Leandro Marciano Vieira, and Albená Nunes-Silva. 2020. “10 km running race induces an elevation in the plasma myokine level of nonprofessional runners.” Sport Sciences for Health, 16, 2, Pp. 313-321.
2020. “Analysis of oxidative stress in Wistar rats submitted to high-intensity interval training..” Motricidade, 16, Pp. 174-181. Publisher's Version
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2020. “Effects of Resistance Training and Bowdichia virgilioides on Oxidative Stress Markers in Rats Submitted to Peripheral Nerve Injury..” ANTIOXIDANTS, 9, Pp. 1-17.
Lucas Soares Marcucci-Barbosa, Francisco Assis Dias de Martins-Junior, Lázaro Fernandes Lobo, Mariana Gomes de Morais, Felipe José Aidar, Erica Leandro Marciano Vieira, and Albená Nunes-Silva. 2020. “The effects of strength training session with different types of muscle action on white blood cells counting and Th1/Th2 response.” Sport Sciences for Health, 16, 2, Pp. 239-248.
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2020. “Mechanisms underlying fat pad remodeling induced by fasting: 2 role of PAF receptor..” NUTRITION, 1, Pp. 1-15. Publisher's Version
2020. “PRE-COMPETITIVE ANXIETY INTERFERE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF BOXING ATHLETES IN BRAZIL? A PILOT STUDY.” Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 26, Pp. 139-142. Publisher's Version
2020. “Two protocols of aerobic exercise modulate the counter-regulatory axis of the renin-angiotensin system..” HELIYON, 6, Pp. 1-7. Publisher's Version
2019. “Assessment of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, Physical Activity Levels, and Quality of Life in Stratified Groups up to 10 Years after Bariatric Surgery..” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, Pp. 16-15. Publisher's Version
2019. “Avaliação do special judô fitness test, da frequência cardíaca e do lactato antes e após treinamento com restrição da visão..” Motricidade, 15, Pp. 96-104. Publisher's Version
2019. “Does Croton Argyrophyllus Extract Has an Effect on Muscle Damage and Lipid Peroxidation in Rats Submitted to High Intensity Strength Exercise?.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, Pp. 1-11. Publisher's Version
2019. “Efeitos de 16 semanas de um programa de exercício físico sobre marcadores de sangue, autonomia funcional e nível de depressão em adultos velhos e idosos..” Motricidade, 15, Pp. 73-80. Publisher's Version
2019. “Effect of Purslane Supplementation seed on Inflammatory Cytokines, Oxidative Stress and Muscle Damage in Response to High Intensity Intermittent Exercise in National Athletes Runners..” Sport Sciences for Health, 1, Pp. 1-8. Publisher's Version
2019. “Evaluación de un programa de ejercicio físico sobre los marcadores de sangre y la calidad del sueño en mayores..” Revista Andaluza de Medicina Del Deporte, 1, Pp. 1-12. Publisher's Version
2019. “Glicemia e qualidade do sono em idosos participantes de um pro- grama de exercício físico: estudo piloto..” Motricidade, 15, Pp. 164-170. Publisher's Version
2019. “Role of adipose tissue inflammation in fat pad loss induced by fasting in lean and mildly obese mice..” JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 1, Pp. 1-15. Publisher's Version
